Mastering Flutter: Understanding the Differences Between Static, Final, and Const
Sure, here are short definitions for static, final, and const:
Static: Refers to class-level attributes or methods. static members are shared across all instances of the class, meaning they belong to the class itself, not to any specific object.
Final: Used to declare variables that can be assigned only once. A final variable must be initialized when it's declared, and its value cannot be changed later. In object-oriented programming, final can also be used to indicate that a method cannot be overridden or a class cannot be inherited.
Const: Indicates that a variable's value is constant and known at compile-time. const variables are immutable, and their values are fixed for the entire runtime of the program. In languages like Dart, const also implies the variable is final
class Student {
// Static variable
static String? stdBranch;
// Instance variables
String? stdName;
int? roll_num;
// Method to show student information
showStdInfo() {
print("Student's name is: ${stdName}");
print("Student's roll number is: ${roll_num}");
print("Student's branch name is: ${stdBranch}");
void main() {
// Creating instances of the Student class
Student std1 = Student();
Student std2 = Student();
Student std3 = Student();
// Assigning value of static variable using class name
Student.stdBranch = "Soft Solution Service";
// Assigning values to std1
std1.stdName = "Praveen";
std1.roll_num = 101;
// Assigning values to std2
std2.stdName = "Raj Suthar";
std2.roll_num = 102;
std3.stdName = "Kamal";
std3.roll_num = 103;
class ExampleClass {
// Static variable - shared by all instances of the class
static int staticCounter = 0;
// Final variable - its value can be set once and only once
final String instanceName;
// Const variable - a compile-time constant
static const int maxLimit = 100;
ExampleClass(this.instanceName) {
staticCounter++; // Increment the static counter on each new instance
static void displayStaticCounter() {
// Static method accessing a static variable
print('Number of instances created: $staticCounter');
void displayInstanceName() {
// Instance method accessing a final variable
print('Instance name: $instanceName');
void main() {
var example1 = ExampleClass('Praveen');
var example2 = ExampleClass('Raj');
ExampleClass.displayStaticCounter(); // Outputs: Number of instances created: 2
example1.displayInstanceName(); // Outputs: Instance name: First Instance
example2.displayInstanceName(); // Outputs: Instance name: Second Instance
print('The maximum limit is ${ExampleClass.maxLimit}.'); // Outputs: The maximum limit is 100.
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